The Chaotic Entrepreneur

Chaotic. Witchy. Leftist.

Hi there, I'm Megan!

I am a chaos goblin, content monster, autistic ADHDer, and 6-figure business owner, here to teach you how to run your business using your natural chaos, instead of trying to resist it.

F*ck consistency, f*ck perfectionism, and f*ck all the "should"s. Let's do things your way (because guess what?? you're actually good enough the way you are and don't have to pretend to be someone else in order to be successful)


As you can probably guess, my business journey has been very...nonlinear.

I started as a hobby blogger back in 2018. Fresh out of my Master's poetry program, I was eager to write on a regular basis, even if it was just for fun.

But by 2020, I had given birth to my first kiddo, the pandemic was raging, and I realized I needed this blog to start making an income. So in October, I officially started my business.

I became a mental health coach in January 2021, had a video go viral, and got my first clients that same month. But I quickly realized something: all my clients were autistic and/or ADHD.

So I rebranded in June of 2021, and created my first group program designed to help neurodivergent folks with productivity (all the while I was slowly realizing that I, too, was autistic and ADHD).

By the end of 2021, I'd made $15k, which wasn't too bad for my first year in business.

In 2022, I tripled that and made $45k, largely through 1:1 coaching and my group program on productivity.

In 2023, I thought I was on track to have my first 6-figure year, but I was pregnant with twins, and it was a HARD pregnancy. So at the end of the year, I thought I'd fallen a bit short of my goal. That is, until I did my taxes and added up all my revenue streams (coaching, digital products, membership, and Adsense from YouTube), I actually did hit 6-figures in 2023, even with the difficult pregnancy.

Then came 2024, and with it, the biggest shift in my business yet.

I got canceled.

I take full responsibility for the mistakes I made at that time. I used language that was inaccurate and misleading, I dismissed folks who were already routinely oppressed, and I offered a program I had no business offering.

I messed up, and once I realized my mistakes, I apologized, took the bad program down, apologized some more, and took a full month off of content creation and sales to reflect.

How had I made all these mistakes? Why was I so concerned with being snarky and "right" rather than valuing perspectives different from my own? How did I want to do business, and how could I hold myself accountable and hopefully avoid doing harm in the future?

So The Neurocuriosity Club was born.

It was a complete rebrand, from colors and fonts to values and perspectives.

Which leads me to where I am now. A business owner who knows what it is to be human and messy and chaotic, and who knows what it's like to flirt a little too hard with that chaos and end up making mistakes you wish you hadn't.

I haven't done things perfectly. So if you're looking for a squeaky clean business coach who always makes the right call, I'm probably not the coach for you.

But if you're looking for a human being who knows how to get back up when you trip over your own ego and land on your face, then hi. I'm Megan, and I'm the coach for you.


So if I've always been a mental health coach and auDHD coach...why business coaching now?

Because I love talking about business.

Autistic folks often have something called "special interests," which are topics we get a lot of regulation and joy from, and often know a LOT about. And business is one of my special interests and has been since 2020.

Plus, because of my impulsivity and general chaoticness, I've tried a ton of different things in business, and while I'm not an expert on all of them, I am an expert on some, and for many others I have a good working knowledge.

I firmly believe in the full saying about the "jack of all trades." Sure, I might be a "master of none," but guess how that saying actually ends?

"Better than a master of one."

If that's your philosophy too, then let's work together, fellow jack of all trades.



Believe it or not, you CAN run a business and be anti-capitalist. There are many ways to resist and tear down capitalism, there is no one right path for all of us, and running an ethical, anti-capitalist business is the right path for me, and maybe for you too.


I aim to be inclusive of all kinds of folks in my business, and in my life in general. This includes people of the global majority, disabled folks, gender nonconforming folks, and so much more. We all deserve to be included and accommodated.


Every time I've screwed up in my business (and in life) it's been because my ego got in the way. I stopped being curious and started being certain I knew what was right or best. So one of my core values as a business coach is to remain curious, to always be learning, and to never rely on my ego to tell me what's true.


Raise your hand if you're so sick of business coaches who tell you all about their revenue without revealing their expenses (and therefore, their ACTUAL profit). Sound off if you're tired of business coaches who sell you on something, only to deliver something totally different (and not nearly as good). Yeah, I'm not gonna do that. I can't guarantee that I'll bare my soul each and every day, but I will be transparent and answer good-faith questions without hesitation.